Twitter should have “Instant Articles” for Medium
It’s a win-win.
Instead of thinking about expanding character limit, which would alienate and jeopardize the core concept of its product (brevity), Twitter should think about partnering with Medium to launch something similar to Facebook’s Instant Articles (articles that load and render within the same app and offer a better experience than the browser) but that only works with Medium publications.
Medium exclusivity would be key because -like Twitter- this platform prioritizes interesting people over large media corporations that often utilize thirsty clickbait tactics to seek attention.
I know Google’s Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) already work with Twitter but it isn’t a very good experience, it’s faster but it somehow feels more bloated and not cohesive at all with Twitter’s interface.
This would be great for Medium because it would massively increase their reach and neat for Twitter because it would hopefully help alleviate their superficiality problem by getting people to read longer stuff on issues they’re interested in and thus elevate the quality of discussion in their platform.